University of California Berkeley Career Guide - Flipbook - Page 17
The Job & Internship Search
Create an Action Plan
Set S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Time-bound) goals that include specific numbers and
dates to track your progress.
For example: “Complete 2 informational interviews with contacts in target companies within the next 15 days.” Below
are additional suggestions you can include in your action plan:
• Create a target list of companies.
• Set S.M.A.R.T. goals for completing job applications and conducting follow-ups with contacts.
• Schedule self-care activities such as exercise, relaxation, or time with friends.
• Evaluate effectiveness of strategies and adapt as needed. Remember that BCE Career Educators are available to
support you at any point in your process, whether you are just beginning to consider your options or are deep into
the application!
Tips for an Effective Search
Every job and internship search takes time, energy and resilience. The most successful job searches involve
consistent action and a determination that isn’t hindered by hearing “no.”
Make sure all your documents are pristine. Difficult formatting or even simple typographical errors can exclude you
from consideration.
Make sure all your documents are customized. Using the same generic resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) for every
position is a missed opportunity. Identify the critical skills for each position and use your resume/ CV as a way to
demonstrate the best examples of your skills in action. A targeted resume/CV will always be more successful than a
generic resume/CV.
Over 85% of jobs are found through networking and not just submitting resumes online. Be proactive by attending
networking events, information sessions and industry panels. Try to meet as many professionals as possible and
tell everyone you know that you’re job searching. Reach out to UC Berkeley alums and use electronic resources like
LinkedIn to make connections.
Practice your interviewing skills prior to actually needing them. Too often students scramble to prepare after being
offered an interview slot. Practice online using Big Interview in the Resources section of Handshake.
SMART Goal Practice
Write a goal you would like to set in order to hold yourself accountable to reach a goal.
I will...