University of California Berkeley Career Guide - Flipbook - Page 23
Resumes & Curricula Vitaes (CV's)
A well crafted resume can set you apart from other candidates. Strong resumes do more than summarize your educational background and work history; they emphasize the results of your efforts and draw clear parallels between your
skills and experience and an employer’s needs.
Curricula Vitaes (CV’s)
CV’s are commonly used outside of the United States. CVs are typically used to apply for a job abroad or when
searching for an academic or research oriented position. CVs are more than two pages and cover your education
accomplishments such as research, publications, patents, teaching experience, poster sessions and professional
Step 1: Analyze the Position Description
Read the position descriptions thoroughly and then highlight all of the keywords which indicate required and
preferred skills, abilities, attributes, and qualifications. If an employer is looking for someone who is innovative,
punctual, and attentive to detail, consider using these same or similar words in your resume.
Because there are patterns within industries/fields, you may develop a strong resume template for a particular
category of positions. Along these lines, it is also often appropriate to have multiple versions of your resume, which
may vary in content and structure depending on your target.
Step 2: Generate a List of Accomplishments
Create an inventory of your accomplishments—tasks you enjoyed doing, did well, and are proud of. Include education/training, volunteer experience, jobs, projects, travel, group or team activities, and skills. There is no one formula
for what to include in a resume—Your resume should uniquely reflect you! Focus on the outcomes of your efforts,
including skills you have developed. Quantify your results if possible. Don’t sell yourself short! Resumes are promotional tools.
Step 3: Identify Relevant Skill Areas
Frame your experience so that it focuses on skills and achievements that are desirable for that particular position/
field/industry. Make sure each accomplishment you list highlights a skill the employer is seeking, often listed in the
position responsibilities and qualifications.
Remember transferable skills, skills you’ve developed that can be used in many different settings! If you are applying
to your first position in a field/industry, consider in detail which skills you have developed (and how) from past
experiences that may translate to this new environment.
Step 4: Write Descriptive Phrases
Using action verbs (see p. 25), write concise phrases to describe experiences that demonstrate your relevant skills.
The accomplishments on your resume should ultimately be targeted to address an employer’s needs. Do your best to
place them in order of relevance with the most relevant information as close as possible to the top.
Step 5: Choose a Format
Within one page, aim to develop a focused, succinct marketing document that clearly communicates your value and
relevant experience and skills.