University of California Berkeley Career Guide - Flipbook - Page 28
Cover Letter Checklist
STOP! Don’t submit your cover letter
until you have completed the following:
Insert Your Resume Header Here
Month Date, Year
Write an original targeted cover letter
for each employer and position.
• State in the first sentence why
you are writing and why you are
• Show that your career goals are
aligned with both the position and
the organization.
• Make your points succinctly.
Every point should support your
readiness to contribute.
• Proofread for typos and accuracy of
contact information. Have another
set of eyes review it too.
• Run spell check before sending
your final copy, but remember that
it does not catch everything.
• Follow up with the employer if
you hear nothing after 2-3 weeks.
Inquire if any further information is
needed and reiterate your interest.
Employer or HR Manager’s Name
Company Name
Employer Street Address
City, State Zip code
Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. Last Name of Addressee:
Opening Paragraph
State the position you are applying for, how you found out about it, and ask for
consideration based on your skills and experiences you have to offer. If you were
referred by someone (i.e.: someone you know at the company, a recruiter you met
at a Career Fair, etc) state that here. Make a general statement summarizing what
qualifies you most for the job.
2nd Paragraph
In this section, you want to build a direct connection between the company’s
needs and your background and skills. Stress what you have to offer, avoid talking
about what you want from them. Identify those parts of your experience that will
interest THIS employer (refer to the job description if possible). You can draw attention to relevant course work, special projects and campus activities if they show
direct relationship to this position. Do not restate what’s in your resume, rather
expand upon a specific project or accomplishment.
3rd Paragraph – Optional
Convince the employer that you have the personal qualities, passion and motivation
to succeed at this specific company. Relate your interests/passion to what you know
about the company. (Convince the employer that you not only have the skills to do
well at the job, but a vested interest in the company, the industry, and the work itself.)
Closing Paragraph
Restate your interest in this position and how your unique qualifications fit the
position. Request an interview, or tell the reader that you will contact him/her/them
soon in order to schedule a mutually convenient time to meet. Thank the reader for
his/her/their time and consideration.
Your Signature
Type Your Name
Be Careful Not To...
• Make your introduction long winded or forget to include your job objective to cause confusion about what
you’re applying for.
• Forget to proofread your letter or use spell check!
• Write a great deal about your experiences without explaining why they are relevant. Do provide details that
will let the employer know that you understand what their company does or what the job entails.
• Write more than one page, forcing employers to hunt for your qualifications.
• Explain what the employer can do for you, instead of what you can do for them.
• Send the same generic cover letter to all employers.